The next area that we’re going to explore is the Living Quarters. This area offers lots of basic supplies as well as a few non-functional items that can’t be found anywhere else in the game.

The next area that we’re going to explore is the Living Quarters. This area offers lots of basic supplies as well as a few non-functional items that can’t be found anywhere else in the game.
The next two areas in our exploration of the Aurora spacecraft are the Locker Room and the Prawn Bay. The Locker Room contains the door code needed for one of the cabins in the Living Quarters, and the Prawn Bay holds our primary objective: More than enough Prawn Suit fragments to complete the Prawn Suit blueprint.
The Drive Room of the Aurora is optional but offers the player 2 specific opportunities: First, a valuable free item, the Cyclops Engine Efficiency Module, can be easily picked up. Second, if the player chooses to repair Drive Core Shielding breaches then the area of radiation surrounding the Aurora will be immediately and permanently removed.
The Seamoth Bay is a quick stop in our progression through the wreck of the Aurora, and it contains our first piece of valuable loot: A Seamoth Depth Module MKI.
As we venture into the burning wreck of the Aurora, the first two areas to explore are the Administration office and Cargo Bay 3.
Finding the way in to the Aurora spacecraft can be surprisingly difficult and hazardous without a guide. This chapter describes how to get into the Aurora.
The next big mission that we’re going to tackle is the exploration of the crashed wreck of the Aurora spacecraft. This is a long mission so I’ve divided it up into several chapters.
Not far from Lifepod 6 is a large piece of wreckage from the Aurora that contains dozens of blueprint fragments. Most of them are redundant with those found in the wreck near Lifepod 17. The notable exception, which is the Databox for the Lightweight High Capacity Tank, is an item that you will likely never want to use as it sacrifices O2 capacity for the sake of improved swim speed. As with the exploration of Lifepod 6 itself, this mission can be considered optional.
The next in the series of “Lifepods whose locations must be inferred based on a chained-together series of clues involving cardinal directions” is Lifepod 6.
With the exception of the player’s own lifepod, Lifepod 4 is the highest up on the map, and the only other lifepod that didn’t sink after impact. It’s also the first in a series of lifepods whose location must be determined from clues involving cardinal directions, so it will be helpful to acquire the Compass before looking for them.